Having issues with your vehicle that require you to pull over can be frustrating in St. Charles, MO. It is fortunate for those with malfunctioning vehicles, however, that there are local professional tow truck companies there for assistance around the clock. These reputable local tow truck companies can provide medium-duty towing services for you when you need them. Here we will be discussing more about towing services.
Medium Duty Towing Services
Many may not visualize larger vehicles needing to be towed in St. Charles, MO, but things can happen that will put these vehicles in a situation where they would need to be towed away. Medium-duty towing refers to the towing of vehicles like school buses, mail trucks, delivery trucks, mobile homes, and more. The towing of any vehicle between 10,00 and 33,000 GVW (gross vehicle weight) is considered a medium-duty tow. Towing companies can tow your vehicle to a local shop or wherever you would like to have it towed.
Finding a Towing Service

If you find yourself needing a tow that would require a medium-duty tow, the best course of action is to look up a local reputable towing company that can provide towing services when you need it. It is good to know that a majority of towing services provide medium-duty towing around the clock in order to provide roadside assistance to those who need it. Tow truck companies have vehicles carrying equipment that is powerful enough to give your vehicle a tow. Packed with state-of-the-art modern wheel design, you can rest assured that professional towing companies will not just tow your vehicle roughly across the road. Not only can a tow company provide your vehicle with a tow, but they can also provide other roadside services such as repairs, vehicle recovery from off-road or water, rollover recovery, and more.
Looking for a reputable local tow truck company that can provide you with medium-duty towing or other roadside assistance in St. Charles, MO? Give our team of towing professionals over at Augie’s Towing & Transportation a call today!